Lasting Place Travel Magazine
Graphic Designer and Creative Direction | Spec Project
For this project, I was tasked with designing three front covers and three double-page-spreads to appeal to the unconventional traveller. I began my research by looking at a variety of travel magazines and online articles that focus on unconventional travel destinations as well as researching international political articles. I decided to focus all three covers on a different continent and/or country, using collage to integrate both culture and landscape.
For the double-page-spread story, I focused on North Korea. I wanted to create a satirical snapshot of a better known oppressed and secret state, introducing playful design elements and a saturated colour palette. Using signposts such as a graphic eye liner and skyscraping typefaces, the DPS reflects my playful approach and hopefully entices the reader into both the history and touristic world that the country has to offer. 

Opening double-page-spread mock-up

Pages 3-4 DPS mockup

Pages 5-6 DPS mockup